NON- Profit ( NPO) Organization:
An NPO is a club, society, or association that is not a charity and that is organized and operated solely for:
Social welfare
Civic improvement
Pleasure and recreation
Any other purpose except profit
Not-For Profit Corporations:
A not-for profit corporations carries on its activities without the purpose of gain for its members
It is incorporated under the Corporations Act as a corporation that doesn’t issue shares
It MUST have not-for-profit purposes, and use any profits to promote those purposes
Types of Not-For Profit Corporations:
Charitable (including religious organizations)
Social clubs
Service clubs
Sporting and athletic organizations
Professional and trade associations
Ratepayers’ associations and
Other community organizations
Incorporate a Not-For Profit Corporation:
NUANS name search report
Covering letter which provides contact name, return address and telephone number
Charitable Organization:
Is established as a corporation, a trust, or under a constitution
Has exclusively charitable purposes
Primarily carries on its own charitable activities, but may also gift funds to other qualified institution/individuals
More than 50 % of its governing officials MUST be at arm’s length with each other
Its income cannot be used for the personal benefit of any of its members, shareholders, or governing officials
Reports and Keeping Records:
Organization has to file its NPO information return no later than six (6) months after the end of its fiscal period
Need to keep paper and electronic records for six (6) years
If you want to destroy before the six-year period, needs to be completed Form T137, Request for Destruction of Records
CONTACT US: If you have any questions or inquiries regarding NON-Profit Organization, please contact us at 647-861-2099 or send email to to book a free consultation.